• rimbailmu
  • rimba.ilmu_um@um.edu.my
  • 603-79674686


Tropical Infectious Diseases Research & Education Centre (TIDREC) + Entomological Society of Malaysia (ENTOMA) = Chigger Workshop 1.0 - The Neglected Vector

Rimba Ilmu was happy to provide the venue for this workshop introducing participants to the parasitic chigger mite (Trombiculidae) where, if you don’t know, can usually be found in rats, squirrels, and shrews. They put multiple cage traps along Rimba Ilmu building and garden, focusing near the nursery and bambusetum area cuz that’s where dem rats are. Happy to report they managed to capture a few with chiggers hanging out in the rats’ ears. Afterwards, the slide preparation and chiggers identification was done at TIDREC, Universiti Malaya.

Last Update: 15/11/2024